Tuesday, November 5, 2013

A healthy dose of caramel.

We started our new round of rotations today and I started in the Restaurant section with a completely new group of people (three of them had been in a previous group together and two of us were new). I didn't love starting in Restaurant, but at least this way, I get it out of the way early. Once this rotation is over, it's basically the end of the year, which is totally crazy. So, it'll go Restaurant, Chocolate, Bread, Viennoiserie, Pastry and then THE END OF SEMESTER 1.

The restaurant was closed today because the head chef was away, so we sort of eased into the section instead of having to do plated desserts right away.

We made a dark chocolate and white chocolate pate, caramel ice cream, and caramel sauce.

The pate was very similar to the chocolate mousse we made the last time I was in the restaurant section and, like those, we also made the chocolate cups with the yellow cocoa butter design on the outside. So, we spread chocolate onto the strips of acetate and then placed them in little tubes, letting them harden while we made the chocolate mixtures. The dark chocolate was piped into the bottom and the white chocolate went on top of that, just to the rim of the chocolate border. Then we put these in the freezer overnight to use in the restaurant tomorrow.

Then we made a caramel ice cream mixture where we basically had to do a dry caramelization of sugar, add hot cream, add milk, bring to a boil, temper our egg yolks, pass through a chinois and then place in the blast freezer. Once they cooled down enough we moved them to the fridge. We weren't actually making the mixture into ice cream until tomorrow.

After the caramel ice cream, we made a caramel sauce that was made using a very similar method to the ice cream. (No eggs though.)

We also made Grand Marnier parfait, which was basically orange-flavoured ice cream, if I had to describe it. The theme of this new set of recipes seems to be adding alcohol to things, but maybe that's just me.

It always feels a little strange when the day ends without having completed anything, but we'll be putting all of the components together tomorrow when we actually have to plate desserts.


Today's Recipes

Chocolate Pate
Grand Marnier Parfait
Caramel Ice Cream
Caramel Sauce

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